Sole proprietorship
- Attestation d’immatriculation
- Request for opening on company letterhead
- Tax clearance certificate
- Trade register
- Copies of the identity papers of the different signatories (national identity card, residence permit/passport)
- Two (02) photos (4×4 format) of the different signatories
- Financial statements, if any
- Dépôt initial à l’ouverture : XAF 100 000
- Plan de localisation et justificatif de la localisation
- Statutes
- Minutes of the meeting of the partners appointing the manager(s) and their powers
- Attestation d’immatriculation
- Tax clearance certificate
- Trade and Personal Property Credit Register
- Copies of the identity papers of the different signatories (national identity card, residence permit/passport)
- Three (03) photos (4×4 format) of the different signatories
- Last three (03) balance sheets (if any)
- Extract from the newspaper of legal announcements (if any)
- Dépôt initial à l’ouverture : XAF 250 000
- Localization plan and Justification
- Account opening request
- Account opening request on company letterhead specifying the account operating procedures (joint or single signature)
- Copy of the initial and/or modifying trade register
- Valid copy of taxpayer’s card
- Valid copy of trade registry
- Valid copy of the tax clearance certificate
- Copy of certified tax clearance and certificate of localisation
- Copy of statutes
- Copy of the constitutive general assembly minutes appointing the Chairman of the Board, the General Manager and their powers and the duration of their mandate
- Copy of the competent authority approval for regulated activities (insurance, transit, EMF, etc.)
- Last three balance sheets
- Power of attorney (if any)
- 02 photos (4×4 format) of the different signatories
- Copies of the identification documents of the different signatories
- Copy of the identification document of the signatory via power of attorney (if any)
- Specimen signature of the signatory
- Dépôt à l’ouverture F CFA 1 000 000
- Excerpt from the newspaper of legal announcements